Thursday, June 5, 2008

taste of philly

Opera-singers next door.
Dates on buildings instead of addresses.
Vegan food damn near anywhere.
Subways and trollies!!
Constitution references everywhere.
Sticker art instead of graffiti.
Vegan dinner parties.
Old beautiful buildings.
Beatles and Rolling Stones only dance parties.
Stores that dont sell PBR!

I know that I have made only one post since ive been here in philly. Im having image uploading issues that are soon to be resolved. patience.

1 comment:

LF said...


I lived in Philly for 5 years 1995-2000. Cool town for the most part...winters suck though. If you can go to Manayunk and go to the restuarant Le Bus...I bartended there for about 5 years....If a bald guy named Clark is bartending sit at the bar and tell him Lamar said hello....he's a great friend and he'll treat you right.. I haven't been back up to Philly since 2003 but I'm sure you'll love it. Are you visiting for the summer or living there now?


P.S. If your wondering who I am, I just graduated through the design program at Georgia State.